| Tid Bits: About 8 percent of the weight in a box of corn flakes is actually corn.
More Statistics Regarding Smoking
Here are a few more statistics regarding the amazing damage that smoking causes.
- 70% of all smokers want to quit
- 450,000 Americans die each year from diseases caused by smoking
- $65,000,000,000 cost to U.S. in healthcare and lost productivity
- 34% of smokers attempt to quit each year
- 47,000,000 adults smoke in the U.S., about the same as a generation ago
- Cigarette smoking can cause impotency
- Quitting cigarettes can be harder than quitting heroin or cocaine
- Women who smoke have a 50% higher risk of having a heart attack than male smokers
- Women smokers are twice as likely as male smokers to get lung cancer
- Lung cancer has surpassed breast cancer as leading killer of American women
- Cigarettes are the leading cause of fire fatalities
- 1 pack per day puts 1 quart of tobacco tar in a smoker's lungs each year. The average smoker now consumes one and one half packs per day.
- Lung cancer is the leading cause of all cancer deaths
- Smoking is the single largest cause of preventable sickness and death in the United States.
- Smoking kills more Americans (450,000) each year than alcohol, cocaine, crack, heroin, homicide, suicide, car accidents, fire and AIDS combined.
- 17% of teenagers smoke. Its a rapidly growing habit, particularly among teen (and subteen!) girls.
- 3,000 teens start smoking every day.
- Parents who smoke are much more likely to have children who smoke.
- Half of all people who have ever smoked have now quit.
- The prevalence of smoking is highest among adults aged 25-40 (30%) and lowest among those 65+ (13%).
- The state with the highest percentage of smokers is Nevada (30.5%), followed by Alaska (28.0%) and Kentucky (27.9%).
- The state with the lowest percentage of smokers is Utah (15.6%), followed by Nebraska (17.4%) and Montana (18.0%).
- Smoking accounts for at least 7% of all health care costs in the US, an estimated $50 billion dollars per year.
- The federal government and state governments pay for more than 43% of all smoking-related medical expenses.
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